Monday, March 9, 2015

Instead of Sheep...

It interests me that the things we crave most are small. We want this phone, these shoes, this boyfriend, this date. These insignificant desires almost rule our lives because the needs and the greatest wants are already fulfilled in our lives! We are so darn lucky!
What do we already have?
  • Modern Homes: Roofs over our head, heating and air conditioning systems to make even our AIR convenient.
  • Clothing: We have enough to be warm in winter. We have thinner fabrics to stay cool in winter, and a culture where you can pretty much wear any fashion you want to wear.
  • Families: true, not everybody has one. Not everybody has a GOOD one. But for those who do, they are a support system, built-in friends, parents to support you, a sense of constancy.
  • Education: we are given literacy, math skills, scientific knowledge, an a wealth of elective education for the low price of paying taxes. Our country cares enough about our minds to make sure we are educated. And I, at least, have gotten a great deal from the education system of America. No, it's not perfect. But it's pretty amazing, I think.
  • Food: We live in a country that produces more food than anywhere else in the world. Whatever your taste, whatever level of health you choose to eat at, you can have your pick of sustenance at any grocery store. 
  • Money: America is rich. Even the poverty level in our country is insanely high - aka, our poorest poor are richer than the average human being in the world. 
  • Safety: Aside from optional safety precautions (guns, pepper spray, locks, security systems, etc.) we are provided, through our tax dollars, with a police system, a fire department, FBI, etc. So many people work so hard to make sure we are safe. 
  • BASIC UTILITIES: aside from utilities like cable/satellite television, internet access, and phone service which are widely available to even the poor of this country, we have things like CLEAN, FRESH WATER and ELECTRICITY at our constant disposal. With seriously minimal effort, we have control of things other people will NEVER have access to. 
These are such enormous blessings! I can't wrap my head around what it must be like to not have these things in my life. If I run low on things to be grateful for, there's always a baseline of incredibly gratitude for the high quality of life enjoyed by myself and the people of this country. There's so much to be thankful for! I hope you can find something good in your life today that you are glad and grateful for.

Thanks for reading. Have an attitude of gratitude, and have a great day! 

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