You are a person who matters. You have greater worth than you may believe. You are good, you are intelligent, you are capable. Your feelings are valid and important, and you should never let anybody discount or discredit them. You have a past and a future, but you shouldn't let that change who you are presently. You can make choices, and you should make choices, because somebody needs to look out for you, and it won't always be the world, so make yourself a priority. You matter. You do.
I love you. Goodbye.
I have avoided facing the reality, but I need to part from those I have loved in order to heal and become well again. I deserve the healing power of embracing truth. This is my catharsis. Goodbye. I love you. Goodbye.
*and of course by "lastly," I really mean "until I come up with another thing that I want to say to one individual in particular, but will settle for telling all the innocent readers of my blog."